Parents that plan to send their children to summer camp typically have a long list of questions and inquiries, ranking high on the list is the summer camp food; of course parents want their children to eat nutritious food. Every summer camp serves their own food variety, despite that there is a single strategy behind all camp food menus; to serve meals that are not only nutritious but can replenish depleted energy. A major critique concerning summer camp food is their tendency to really pack up on the carbohydrates which is usually true. Take note that it wasn't due to neglect on the part of summer camp food planners, it was intentional. Children have a lot more energy in camps unlike when they're at a home environment. A lot of parents heard sport's coaches tell their children to eat plenty of pasta as a way to boost energy levels before the game. On any given day, summer camps facilitate around four sports games and lessons including a two hour swim and numerous other activities in the evening. As you can see, it's crucial that children eat the kind of summer camp food menu that gives endurance and stamina.
In the morning, children typically have a choice hot meals like pancakes, eggs, breakfast sandwiches and oatmeal. Apart from that, there are daily cereal bars, bagel, fruit and yogurt bars. Of course they're treated to the occasional donut treat every now and then, just like at home. Meanwhile, lunch is eaten four hours right after breakfast and it consists of the go-to meals at home; pizza, soup, sandwiches, mac and cheese, you name it. Sandwiches are served with a side of chips but many summer camps opt for baked chips. Salad bars are opened during lunch to widen the food choices. Fruit and other healthy snacks are distributed for their afternoon snack breaks.
Dinner comes right after the conclusion of daily programmed activities, breaks allow staff and campers to freshen up in their bunks for the evening activities. Expect numerous protein and a handful of vegetables on the side for dinner; camps offer a slightly larger version of the salads given at noon earlier during lunch time from the summer camp menu. Food alternatives are important; there are vegetarian options as well as a pasta bar for children as well as adults who are particular with their meals or have allergies. In any summer camp, you can't remove desserts like fruits, ice cream and jello; the perfect way to finish a delicious meal. Here's an adult's experience with summer camp food: